Why Use Email Marketing?


Email marketing has many advantages for both big and small businesses. Let's look at why email marketing may be the best approach for your business to reach the right customers and clients with your products and services.

   Marketing that Produces Results

Above all, email marketing can produce the results that you are looking for. A well-thought-out and implemented email marketing campaign can provide you with response rates that are much greater than what you would receive from other direct methods of marketing. Although various factors will play a part in the overall response that is received from your email marketing efforts, sending out your marketing materials via email statistically results in a response rate that is five times greater than those of direct (postal) mail campaigns. And because most email marketing campaigns reach a larger number of people, the reach of email is usually more extensive than other methods - which translates to a greater number of potential sales for you. Email marketing also allows for a faster response from the customer - including an easier availability for your potential customers to ask questions about what you are offering. Although the increase in spam email marketing has had a somewhat negative effect on the appropriate use of email marketing, the results produced by a well-executed campaign are undeniable. Regardless of the goals that you have for the future of your business, email marketing can help you attain those goals in a manner that other direct marketing techniques cannot.

  Targeted Marketing is Successful Marketing

The simple fact of the matter is that targeted marketing is the most successful type of marketing that you can use to grow your business. Email marketing not only allows you to reach a specific group of people that fit the demographic you are aiming for, but it also allows you to customize the messages that you send out so that your information or promotional offering can be personalized and targeted to the individual. Using targeted HTML emails allows you to quickly and effortlessly customize the message to address your prospect's interests, needs, and wants. In fact, the more customized the message, the higher the rate of response to your email marketing.

  Cost-Effective and Economical Marketing Method

More traditional marketing methods are expensive - graphic designs, printing, and postage can make direct mailing campaigns among the most costly types of advertising. Email marketing allows you to use graphic emails to create the same effect as traditional mailers, flyers, and newsletters delivered in printed form via U.S. mail, with the additional benefit of easily accessible follow-up information that directs the flow of traffic back to your website where the recipient can make a purchase.

  Marketing Outcomes that Are Easily Tracked

When you participate in email marketing, your marketing efforts have the benefit of real-time tracking to let you see results and receive instantaneous feedback. For each email that is sent out, you can determine whether the email was received and opened and whether or not the recipient clicked on the link in the email to be transported to your website. Having this tracking information at your fingertips puts you in the best position to make immediate changes to your marketing campaign to increase the level of response your receive and also allows you to see which recipients should be sent a follow-up message. This also gives you a record of what works best for future email marketing.

  Immediate Responses from Email Marketing

Using a call to action in your email message and likewise, throughout your website, you can achieve a more immediate response from your email marketing (especially when compared to traditional marketing). Unlike direct mailing through the postal service, email marketing elicits an active response, instead of completing a form or picking up the telephone to call your business. Nearly four out of five of the respondents to your email marketing campaign will respond within three days of receiving your email, as compared to weeks later with traditional "snail" mail marketing. Planning and launching an email marketing campaign is also much faster than other marketing formats - usually taking hours or days as opposed to weeks or months with printed marketing materials.

  Email Marketing is Adaptable

The nature of email marketing is adaptable, and as such, it can support your business in various ways and assist you in achieving various goals. Email marketing can: increase the traffic to your website, attract new customers and leads, garner new registrations for your site, develop stronger relationships with your existing customer and client base, improve the level of product or service information that is out there regarding your company, and help build awareness of your brand with your niche marketing. Email marketing can be used to promote sales and special offers from your company, distribute newsletters, press releases, and announcements about your company and its products, and make your existing customers feel more valued.

  Email Marketing Summary

Email marketing is becoming a widely-accepted method of getting your message out to the maximum number of potential customers and clients. Email marketing allows for easy communication and distribution of information and is a vital and indispensable part of an integrated strategy for marketing and advertising. Used in combination with other marketing tactics to reinforce the message you are sending, the results of email marketing can help your company gain even further success.